Barry has been commissioned by private customers for a number of works, including personalised illustrations, postage stamps, limited edition coins, model box lids and illustrations for books, which are all a part of his vast and growing portfolio.
Some of these works are available below for perusal.
Barry is currently accepting commissions. If you are interested in commissioning a piece, please contact us to discuss.

Remarques are the addition of a small, pencil drawings created by the artist, usually in the lower border to add a personal touch to a print.
They are time consuming to produce so are usually limited to a small number of prints in an edition. Not only are they an original work of art, they also add considerable value to the print.
Remarques are generally planned by the artist but for a more personalised look, may be drawn to an individual’s specifications. They are usually drawn on request or as a planned finite number in an edition, being very limited in number and will not appear on the majority of prints.
Please let us know if you would like to include a remarque with your commission.