The Changing of the Guard


Commissioned in 2021 by 75 Squadron RAAF, based in Tindal, Northern Territory, this painting represents the transition from the Classic Hornet to the F35 Lightning II.

20 Artist’s Proof only.

Image size 620mm X 470mm

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Commissioned in 2021 by 75 Squadron RAAF, based in Tindal, Northern Territory, this painting represents the transition from the Classic Hornet to the F35 Lightning II.

20 Artist’s Proof only.

Image size 620mm X 470mm

Commissioned in 2021 by 75 Squadron RAAF, based in Tindal, Northern Territory, this painting represents the transition from the Classic Hornet to the F35 Lightning II.

20 Artist’s Proof only.

Image size 620mm X 470mm

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